:base win95rk.hlp>View :title Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit :index Windows 95 Resource Kit = win95rk.hlp 1 Copyright Notice = CP_0_ 2 Welcome to Windows 95 2 Introduction = RK0_WEL_1_ 2 How to Use the Windows 95 Resource Kit = RK0_WEL_2_ 2 Windows 95 Resource Kit Utilities = RK0_WEL_3_ 2 Conventions = RK0_WEL_4_ 1 Deployment Planning Guide 1 Introduction = rkp1_0_ 2 Deployment Planning Basics 2 Introduction = RK01_GD_1_ 2 Overview of the Deployment Process = RK01_GD_2_ 2 Reviewing Windows 95 Features: An Overview = RK01_GD_3_ 2 Preparing the Teams: An Overview = RK01_GD_4_ 2 Deciding on the Preferred Client Configuration: An Overview = RK01_GD_5_ 2 Performing the Lab Test: An Overview = RK01_GD_6_ 2 Planning the Pilot Rollout: An Overview = RK01_GD_7_ 2 Conducting the Pilot Rollout: An Overview = RK01_GD_8_ 2 Finalizing the Rollout Plan: An Overview = RK01_GD_9_ 2 Rolling Out Windows 95: An Overview = RK01_GD_10_ 2 Deployment Strategy and Details 2 Introduction = RK02_IMP_1_ 3 Reviewing Windows 95 Features: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_3_ 3 Publications from Microsoft Press = RK02_IMP_4_ 4 Reports from Industry Experts 4 Introduction = RK02_IMP_6_ 4 Gartner Group, Inc. Reports = RK02_IMP_7_ 4 Usability Sciences Corporation Report = RK02_IMP_8_ 3 Preparing the Teams: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_10_ 3 Acquiring Staff and Software = RK02_IMP_11_ 3 Conducting a Sample Inventory = RK02_IMP_12_ 3 Testing Lab Setup and Equipment = RK02_IMP_13_ 3 Training the Teams = RK02_IMP_14_ 3 Deciding on the Preferred Client Configuration: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_16_ 3 Configuration Layout = RK02_IMP_17_ 4 Key Features of the Ideal Configuration 4 Introduction = RK02_IMP_19_ 4 Using a 32-bit, Protected-Mode Network Client = RK02_IMP_20_ 4 Using a 32-bit, Protected-Mode Protocol = RK02_IMP_21_ 4 Using the Latest Network Adapter Drivers = RK02_IMP_22_ 4 Recommended Features for Network Clients (Optional) 4 Introduction = RK02_IMP_24_ 4 Using System Policies = RK02_IMP_25_ 4 Using User Profiles = RK02_IMP_26_ 4 Enabling Remote Administration = RK02_IMP_27_ 4 Using Setup Scripts for Windows 95 Setup = RK02_IMP_28_ 4 Using Push Installations for Windows 95 Setup = RK02_IMP_29_ 4 Using Peer Resource Sharing Services = RK02_IMP_30_ 4 Using User-Level Security = RK02_IMP_31_ 4 Other Optional Features 4 Introduction = RK02_IMP_33_ 4 Using Microsoft Exchange Mail = RK02_IMP_34_ 4 Using Microsoft Fax = RK02_IMP_35_ 4 Using Dial-Up Networking = RK02_IMP_36_ 4 Using The Microsoft Network = RK02_IMP_37_ 4 Using Disk Management Tools = RK02_IMP_38_ 3 Performing the Lab Test: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_40_ 3 Preparing the Test Site and Equipment = RK02_IMP_41_ 3 Installing Windows 95 on Test Computers = RK02_IMP_42_ 3 Testing the Installation = RK02_IMP_43_ 3 Testing the Restoration Process = RK02_IMP_44_ 3 Planning the Pilot Rollout: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_46_ 3 Installing the Source Files for Setup = RK02_IMP_47_ 3 Automating the Installation = RK02_IMP_48_ 3 Documenting Rollout Logistics = RK02_IMP_49_ 3 Notifying Users of the Rollout = RK02_IMP_50_ 3 Developing User Training = RK02_IMP_51_ 3 Developing the Support Plan = RK02_IMP_52_ 3 Conducting the Pilot Rollout: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_54_ 3 Simulating the Installation Process = RK02_IMP_55_ 3 Testing Windows 95 Performance and Capabilities = RK02_IMP_56_ 3 Surveying Users for Feedback = RK02_IMP_57_ 3 Finalizing the Rollout Plan: The Details 3 Introduction = RK02_IMP_59_ 3 Completing the Rollout Logistics and Budget = RK02_IMP_60_ 3 Updating the Policies and Practices Guidelines = RK02_IMP_61_ 3 Creating a Template for the Rollout Database = RK02_IMP_62_ 2 Rolling Out Windows 95: The Details = RK02_IMP_63_ 1 Installation 1 Introduction = rkp2_0_ 2 Introduction to Windows 95 Setup 2 Introduction = RK03_SET_1_ 3 Windows 95 Setup Overview 3 Introduction = RK03_SET_3_ 3 Quick Start for Windows 95 Setup = RK03_SET_4_ 3 New Windows 95 Setup Features = RK03_SET_5_ 3 Installation Requirements 3 Introduction = RK03_SET_7_ 3 Operating System Requirements = RK03_SET_8_ 3 Requirements for Windows 95 Setup = RK03_SET_9_ 3 System Requirements for Windows 95 = RK03_SET_10_ 3 Partition Requirements = RK03_SET_11_ 3 Options for Windows 95 Installations 3 Introduction = RK03_SET_13_ 3 Deciding to Run Setup from MS-DOS or Windows = RK03_SET_14_ 3 Deciding to Use Typical, Portable, Compact, or Custom Setup = RK03_SET_15_ 3 Deciding Between Local and Shared Installation = RK03_SET_17_ 3 Deciding to Use Customized or Automated Setup = RK03_SET_18_ 3 Deciding to Use Maintenance or Repair Setup = RK03_SET_19_ 2 Before Starting Windows 95 Setup = RK03_SET_20_ 3 Starting Windows 95 Setup 3 Introduction = RK03_SET_22_ 3 Using Setup Command-Line Switches = RK03_SET_23_ 3 Beginning Windows 95 Setup and Safe Recovery = RK03_SET_24_ 3 Running Windows 95 Setup 3 Introduction = RK03_SET_26_ 4 Gathering Information 4 Introduction = RK03_SET_28_ 4 Choosing the Windows Directory = RK03_SET_29_ 4 Selecting the Type of Setup = RK03_SET_30_ 4 Checking Disk Space for Windows 95 = RK03_SET_31_ 4 Providing User Information = RK03_SET_32_ 3 Analyzing the Computer = RK03_SET_33_ 3 Selecting Software Components = RK03_SET_34_ 4 Selecting Network Components in Custom Setup 4 Introduction = RK03_SET_36_ 4 Selecting the Network Client = RK03_SET_37_ 4 Selecting and Configuring a Network Adapter = RK03_SET_38_ 4 Selecting and Configuring the Network Protocols = RK03_SET_39_ 4 Selecting and Configuring a Network Service = RK03_SET_40_ 3 Specifying Computer Identification = RK03_SET_41_ 3 Changing Computer Settings in Custom Setup = RK03_SET_42_ 3 Creating a Startup Disk = RK03_SET_43_ 4 Copying Files and Completing Setup 4 Introduction = RK03_SET_45_ 4 Setting the Local Time Zone = RK03_SET_46_ 4 Installing and Configuring a Printer = RK03_SET_47_ 4 Configuring Microsoft Exchange = RK03_SET_48_ 4 Completing Windows 95 Setup = RK03_SET_49_ 2 Server-Based Setup for Windows 95 2 Introduction = RK04_SVR_1_ 2 Server-Based Setup: The Basics = RK04_SVR_2_ 3 Server-Based Setup: The Issues 3 Introduction = RK04_SVR_4_ 3 Planning for Machine Directories = RK04_SVR_5_ 3 Planning for Shared Installations = RK04_SVR_6_ 2 Server-Based Setup: An Overview = RK04_SVR_7_ 3 Task 1: Copying Windows 95 Files to a Server 3 Introduction = RK04_SVR_9_ 3 Selecting the Server = RK04_SVR_10_ 3 Setting the Destination Path and Installation Policy = RK04_SVR_11_ 3 Creating a Default Setup Script = RK04_SVR_12_ 3 Installing Files on the Server = RK04_SVR_13_ 2 Task 2: Creating Machine Directories = RK04_SVR_14_ 2 Installing Windows 95 for Shared Installations = RK04_SVR_15_ 3 Configuring Shared Installations 3 Introduction = RK04_SVR_17_ 4 Configuring Shared Installations for Protected-Mode Clients 4 Introduction = RK04_SVR_19_ 4 Configuring a Computer that Starts from a Hard Disk = RK04_SVR_20_ 4 Configuring a Computer that Starts from a Floppy Disk = RK04_SVR_21_ 4 Configuring a Remote-Boot Workstation for Client for NetWare Networks = RK04_SVR_22_ 3 Configuring Shared Installations for Real-Mode Clients = RK04_SVR_23_ 3 Creating the Disk Image for RIPL = RK04_SVR_24_ 3 Technical Notes for Shared Installations 3 Introduction = RK04_SVR_26_ 3 System Startup and Networking for Shared Installations = RK04_SVR_27_ 3 Technical Notes on MACHINES.INI and SETMDIR = RK04_SVR_28_ 3 Other Notes on Shared Installations = RK04_SVR_29_ 2 Custom, Automated, and Push Installations 2 Introduction = RK05_CUS_1_ 2 Custom Installations for Windows 95: The Basics = RK05_CUS_2_ 2 Custom Installations of Windows 95: The Issues = RK05_CUS_3_ 3 Customizing Windows 95 with Setup Scripts 3 Introduction = RK05_CUS_5_ 3 Using Server-Based Setup to Create Custom Scripts = RK05_CUS_6_ 3 Using BATCH.EXE to Create Setup Scripts = RK05_CUS_7_ 3 Editing MSBATCH.INF for Custom Settings = RK05_CUS_8_ 3 Customizing Setup for Accessibility Requirements = RK05_CUS_9_ 3 Installing Other Software Using Custom Scripts = RK05_CUS_10_ 2 Customizing Detection for NetWare Networks = RK05_CUS_11_ 2 Running Custom Setup Scripts = RK05_CUS_12_ 2 Customizing Windows 95 with WRKGRP.INI Files = RK05_CUS_13_ 2 Customizing Windows 95 with Profiles and Policy Files = RK05_CUS_14_ 2 Overview of Push Installations = RK05_CUS_15_ 3 Using Login Scripts for Push Installation 3 Introduction = RK05_CUS_17_ 3 Preparing a STARTUP.GRP File = RK05_CUS_18_ 3 Preparing Login Scripts for Push Installations = RK05_CUS_19_ 3 Setting Up a Windows NT Server for Push Installations = RK05_CUS_20_ 3 Setting Up a NetWare Server for Push Installations = RK05_CUS_21_ 3 Running Login Scripts for Push Installations = RK05_CUS_22_ 2 Setup Technical Discussion 2 Introduction = RK06_TCH_1_ 3 Phases of the Setup Process 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_3_ 3 Startup and Information Gathering Phase for Windows 95 Setup = RK06_TCH_4_ 3 Hardware Detection Phase = RK06_TCH_5_ 4 File Copy Phase 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_7_ 4 Creating the Startup Disk = RK06_TCH_8_ 4 Creating Directories and Copying Files = RK06_TCH_9_ 4 Creating Registry Entries = RK06_TCH_10_ 4 Final System Configuration Phase 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_12_ 4 Initializing the System after Setup = RK06_TCH_13_ 4 Modifying the Boot Drive after Setup = RK06_TCH_14_ 4 Verifying the Installation = RK06_TCH_15_ 3 Safe Detection, Safe Recovery, and Verification 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_17_ 4 Safe Detection in Windows 95 Setup 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_19_ 4 Safe Detection for Network Adapters = RK06_TCH_20_ 4 Safe Detection for SCSI Controllers = RK06_TCH_21_ 4 Safe Detection for Proprietary Adapters for CD-ROM = RK06_TCH_22_ 4 Safe Detection for Sound Cards = RK06_TCH_23_ 4 Safe Recovery with Setup Log Files 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_25_ 4 SETUPLOG.TXT: The Setup Log File = RK06_TCH_26_ 4 DETLOG.TXT: The Hardware Detection Log File = RK06_TCH_27_ 4 NETLOG.TXT: The Network Setup Log File = RK06_TCH_28_ 3 Windows 95 Startup Process 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_30_ 4 Bootstrapping in the BIOS Phase 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_32_ 4 Booting with a Legacy BIOS = RK06_TCH_33_ 4 Booting with a Plug and Play BIOS = RK06_TCH_34_ 3 Loading Hardware Profiles and Real-Mode Drivers = RK06_TCH_35_ 3 Initializing Static VxDs at Startup = RK06_TCH_36_ 4 Loading the Protected-Mode Operating System at Startup 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_38_ 4 Loading Protected-Mode VxDs at Startup = RK06_TCH_39_ 4 Loading the Final System Components at Startup = RK06_TCH_40_ 3 System Startup Files 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_42_ 3 IO.SYS: The Real-Mode Operating System = RK06_TCH_43_ 3 MSDOS.SYS: Special Startup Values = RK06_TCH_44_ 4 CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_46_ 4 CONFIG.SYS Processing = RK06_TCH_47_ 4 CONFIG.SYS Changes for Windows 95 = RK06_TCH_48_ 4 AUTOEXEC.BAT Processing = RK06_TCH_49_ 4 AUTOEXEC.BAT Changes for Windows 95 = RK06_TCH_50_ 4 SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_52_ 4 Changes to SYSTEM.INI = RK06_TCH_53_ 4 Changes to WIN.INI = RK06_TCH_54_ 3 BOOTLOG.TXT: The Startup Process Log = RK06_TCH_55_ 3 Windows 95 Setup with Other Operating Systems 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_57_ 3 Installing Windows 95 over Windows 3.x = RK06_TCH_58_ 3 Installing Windows 95 for Dual Booting with Windows 3.x = RK06_TCH_59_ 4 Installing Windows 95 over MS-DOS 4 Introduction = RK06_TCH_61_ 4 Files Deleted by Windows 95 Setup = RK06_TCH_62_ 4 System Startup with MS-DOS Multiple Configurations = RK06_TCH_63_ 3 Installing Windows 95 for Dual Booting with Windows NT = RK06_TCH_64_ 3 Installing Windows 95 over DR DOS = RK06_TCH_65_ 3 Installing Windows 95 over OS/2 = RK06_TCH_66_ 3 Removing Windows 95 from a Computer 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_68_ 3 Removing Windows 95 with Command-Line Startup = RK06_TCH_69_ 3 Removing Windows 95 with Your Previous Operating System = RK06_TCH_70_ 3 Troubleshooting Setup and System Startup 3 Introduction = RK06_TCH_72_ 3 Troubleshooting Specific Setup Errors = RK06_TCH_73_ 3 Troubleshooting Specific Startup Errors = RK06_TCH_74_ 3 Converting Windows 3.x Program Groups = RK06_TCH_75_ 1 Networking 1 Introduction = rkp3_0_ 2 Introduction to Windows 95 Networking 2 Introduction = RK07_NET_1_ 2 Windows 95 Networking: The Basics = RK07_NET_2_ 2 Windows 95 Networking: The Issues = RK07_NET_3_ 3 Network Configuration Overview 3 Introduction = RK07_NET_5_ 3 Installing Networking Components = RK07_NET_6_ 3 Setting Computer Name and Workgroup = RK07_NET_7_ 3 Starting the Network During System Startup = RK07_NET_8_ 2 Plug and Play Networking Overview = RK07_NET_9_ 2 Basic Troubleshooting for Networking = RK07_NET_10_ 2 Windows 95 on Microsoft Networks 2 Introduction = RK08_MS_1_ 2 Windows 95 and Microsoft Networking: The Basics = RK08_MS_2_ 3 Windows 95 and Microsoft Networking: The Issues 3 Introduction = RK08_MS_4_ 3 Issues for Server-Based Microsoft Networks = RK08_MS_5_ 4 Issues for Peer-to-Peer Networks 4 Introduction = RK08_MS_7_ 4 Choosing Thinnet or Twisted Pair for Cabling = RK08_MS_8_ 4 Choosing the Peer Network Components = RK08_MS_9_ 2 Installing Client for Microsoft Networks = RK08_MS_10_ 3 Configuring Client for Microsoft Networks 3 Introduction = RK08_MS_12_ 3 Configuring the Primary Client for Network Logon = RK08_MS_13_ 3 Configuring Logon and Reconnection Options = RK08_MS_14_ 3 Running Windows 95 in a Mixed Microsoft Environment 3 Introduction = RK08_MS_16_ 4 Running Windows 95 with Windows NT 4 Introduction = RK08_MS_18_ 4 Running Windows 95 in a Mixed Environment with Windows NT = RK08_MS_19_ 4 Notes on Windows NT Server Benefits = RK08_MS_20_ 4 Client Access Licenses for Windows NT Server = RK08_MS_21_ 3 Running Windows 95 with LAN Manager = RK08_MS_22_ 3 Running Windows 95 with Windows for Workgroups = RK08_MS_23_ 3 Running Windows 95 with Workgroup Add-on for MS-DOS = RK08_MS_24_ 2 PROTOCOL.INI: Real-Mode Network Initialization File = RK08_MS_25_ 2 Windows 95 on NetWare Networks 2 Introduction = RK09_NW_1_ 3 Windows 95 on NetWare Networks: The Basics 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_3_ 3 Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks: The Benefits = RK09_NW_4_ 3 Novell-Supplied NetWare Clients: The Benefits = RK09_NW_5_ 3 Windows 95 on NetWare Networks: The Issues 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_7_ 3 Choosing the Network Client = RK09_NW_8_ 3 Choosing Protocols on NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_9_ 4 Configuring NetWare Servers to Support Windows 95 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_11_ 4 Installing Windows 95 Source Files on NetWare Servers = RK09_NW_12_ 4 Automating Setup for NetWare Workstations = RK09_NW_13_ 4 Supporting Long Filenames on NetWare Servers = RK09_NW_14_ 4 Supporting Pass-Through Security for Peer Resource Sharing = RK09_NW_15_ 4 Placing Profile and Policy Files on NetWare Servers = RK09_NW_16_ 2 Setting Up Windows 95 for NetWare Networks: An Overview = RK09_NW_17_ 3 Using Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_19_ 3 Setting Up Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_20_ 4 Configuring Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_22_ 4 Configuring Protected-Mode Network Adapter Drivers for Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_23_ 4 Configuring Client for NetWare Networks with ODI Network Adapter Drivers = RK09_NW_24_ 4 Client for NetWare Networks Technical Notes 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_26_ 4 Summary of Settings for Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_27_ 4 Required Support Files for Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_28_ 4 Client for NetWare Networks Configuration Notes = RK09_NW_29_ 4 Additional Settings for Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_30_ 4 NetWare API Support in Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_31_ 4 Running NetWare Utilities with Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_32_ 3 Using a Novell NetWare Client 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_34_ 4 Setting Up Windows 95 with a Novell-Supplied NetWare Client 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_36_ 4 Installing Windows 95 with a Novell NetWare Client = RK09_NW_37_ 4 Switching Back to NETX from Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_38_ 4 Configuring Network Adapter Drivers for Novell NetWare Clients 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_40_ 4 Configuring Windows 95 with ODI Drivers = RK09_NW_41_ 4 Setting Network Adapter Options in NET.CFG = RK09_NW_42_ 4 Configuring Windows 95 for Monolithic IPX = RK09_NW_43_ 4 Configuring Windows 95 with ArcNet Network Adapters = RK09_NW_44_ 4 NETX Technical Notes 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_46_ 4 Using NETX with Client for Microsoft Networks = RK09_NW_47_ 4 Using NETX as the Sole Client = RK09_NW_48_ 4 Setting the LastDrive Parameter for NETX = RK09_NW_49_ 4 Setting Show Dots and File Access Limits = RK09_NW_50_ 4 VLM Technical Notes 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_52_ 4 Setting Up Windows 95 with VLM = RK09_NW_53_ 4 Using VLM with Client for Microsoft Networks = RK09_NW_54_ 4 Using VLM as the Sole Client = RK09_NW_55_ 4 Setting the LastDrive Parameter for VLM = RK09_NW_56_ 3 Technical Notes for Windows 95 on NetWare Networks 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_58_ 4 Obtaining Current Novell-Supplied Files 4 Introduction = RK09_NW_60_ 4 Required Support Files for Novell-Supplied Clients = RK09_NW_61_ 4 Required Support Files for ODI Drivers = RK09_NW_62_ 4 Required Support Files for Monolithic IPX = RK09_NW_63_ 4 Required Support Files for ArcNet Drivers = RK09_NW_64_ 3 Search Mode with Windows 95 on NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_65_ 3 Troubleshooting Windows 95 on NetWare Networks 3 Introduction = RK09_NW_67_ 3 Troubleshooting Client for NetWare Networks = RK09_NW_68_ 3 Troubleshooting Windows 95 Using Novell NetWare Clients = RK09_NW_69_ 2 Windows 95 on Other Networks 2 Introduction = RK10_3RD_1_ 2 Windows 95 on Other Networks: The Basics = RK10_3RD_2_ 2 Windows 95 on Other Networks: The Issues = RK10_3RD_3_ 3 Installing Support for Other Networks: An Overview 3 Introduction = RK10_3RD_5_ 3 Installing Network Support During Windows 95 Setup = RK10_3RD_6_ 3 Installing Client for Microsoft Networks with Other Networks = RK10_3RD_7_ 2 Using Real-Mode WinNet16 Drivers = RK10_3RD_8_ 2 Artisoft LANtastic = RK10_3RD_9_ 2 Banyan VINES = RK10_3RD_10_ 2 DEC PATHWORKS = RK10_3RD_11_ 2 IBM OS/2 LAN Server = RK10_3RD_12_ 2 SunSoft PC-NFS = RK10_3RD_13_ 3 Host Connectivity and Windows 95 3 Introduction = RK10_3RD_15_ 4 Using DLC for Connectivity 4 Introduction = RK10_3RD_17_ 4 Installing and Configuring Real-Mode Microsoft DLC = RK10_3RD_18_ 4 Configuring Microsoft DLC with ODI Drivers = RK10_3RD_19_ 4 Upgrading Existing IBM LanSupport Installations = RK10_3RD_20_ 3 Using Gateways for Connectivity = RK10_3RD_21_ 3 Using TCP/IP for Host Connectivity = RK10_3RD_22_ 3 Using Terminal Emulation Applications = RK10_3RD_23_ 3 Troubleshooting Connection Problems with Microsoft DLC = RK10_3RD_24_ 2 Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing 2 Introduction = RK11_RES_1_ 3 Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing: The Basics 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_3_ 3 Unified System Logon Basics = RK11_RES_4_ 3 Network Browsing Basics = RK11_RES_5_ 3 Peer Resource Sharing Basics = RK11_RES_6_ 2 Logon, Browsing, and Resource Sharing: The Issues = RK11_RES_7_ 2 Overview of Logging on to Windows 95 = RK11_RES_8_ 3 Configuring Network Logon 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_10_ 3 Configuring Logon for Client for Microsoft Networks = RK11_RES_11_ 3 Configuring Logon for NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_12_ 3 Setting Network Logon Options with System Policies = RK11_RES_13_ 3 Using Login Scripts 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_15_ 3 Using Login Scripts with Microsoft Networking = RK11_RES_16_ 4 Using Login Scripts on NetWare Networks 4 Introduction = RK11_RES_18_ 4 Running Login Scripts with Client for NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_19_ 4 Running Login Scripts with Novell-Supplied Clients = RK11_RES_20_ 2 Technical Notes for the Logon Process = RK11_RES_21_ 3 Browsing Overview 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_23_ 3 Using Network Neighborhood = RK11_RES_24_ 3 Browsing in Common Dialog Boxes = RK11_RES_25_ 3 Connecting to Drive and Printer Resources = RK11_RES_26_ 3 Browsing with the Net View Command = RK11_RES_27_ 3 Browsing on Microsoft Networks 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_29_ 3 Designating a Browse Master for Microsoft Networks = RK11_RES_30_ 4 Building the Browse List for Microsoft Networks 4 Introduction = RK11_RES_32_ 4 Adding New Computers to the Browse List = RK11_RES_33_ 4 Removing Computers from the Browse List = RK11_RES_34_ 3 Technical Notes on Browsing on Microsoft Networks = RK11_RES_35_ 3 Browsing on NetWare Networks 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_37_ 3 Using Network Neighborhood on NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_38_ 3 Managing Connections with Client for NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_39_ 3 Using Commands to Connect to NetWare Servers = RK11_RES_40_ 3 Using Windows NT to Connect to NetWare Servers = RK11_RES_41_ 3 Overview of Peer Resource Sharing 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_43_ 3 Installing Peer Resource Sharing = RK11_RES_44_ 3 Overview of Security for Peer Resource Sharing = RK11_RES_45_ 2 Using File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks = RK11_RES_46_ 3 Using File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks 3 Introduction = RK11_RES_48_ 4 Sharing Resources on a NetWare Network 4 Introduction = RK11_RES_50_ 4 Configuring Browsing for Resource Sharing on NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_51_ 4 Controlling Access to Peer Server Resources on NetWare Networks = RK11_RES_52_ 3 Using Bindery Emulation for Pass-Through Security = RK11_RES_53_ 2 Troubleshooting for Logon, Browsing, and Peer Resource Sharing = RK11_RES_54_ 2 Network Technical Discussion 2 Introduction = RK12_NIC_1_ 3 Network Adapter Drivers and Protocols: The Basics 3 Introduction = RK12_NIC_3_ 3 NDIS Driver Basics = RK12_NIC_4_ 3 Network Protocol Basics = RK12_NIC_5_ 2 Network Adapters and Protocols: The Issues = RK12_NIC_6_ 3 Network Adapters and Windows 95 3 Introduction = RK12_NIC_8_ 4 Configuring Network Adapters 4 Introduction = RK12_NIC_10_ 4 Binding Network Adapter Drivers to Protocols = RK12_NIC_11_ 4 Configuring Network Adapter Resource Settings = RK12_NIC_12_ 4 Configuring Advanced Properties for Network Adapters = RK12_NIC_13_ 3 Setting LAN Adapter Numbers = RK12_NIC_14_ 3 Technical Notes on Network Adapters = RK12_NIC_15_ 3 IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol 3 Introduction = RK12_NIC_17_ 3 Configuring IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol = RK12_NIC_18_ 3 Using NetBIOS over IPX = RK12_NIC_19_ 3 IPX/SPX Technical Notes on NetWare Networks = RK12_NIC_20_ 3 TCP/IP Protocol 3 Introduction = RK12_NIC_22_ 3 Configuring TCP/IP with DHCP = RK12_NIC_23_ 3 Configuring TCP/IP Settings Manually = RK12_NIC_24_ 3 Name Resolution for Windows Networking = RK12_NIC_25_ 3 Using WINS for Name Resolution = RK12_NIC_26_ 3 Using DNS for Name Resolution = RK12_NIC_27_ 4 Microsoft TCP/IP Registry Parameters 4 Introduction = RK12_NIC_29_ 4 TCP/IP Registry Entries in the MSTCP Subkey = RK12_NIC_30_ 4 TCP/IP Registry Entries in the MSTCP\ServiceProvider Subkey = RK12_NIC_31_ 4 TCP/IP Registry Entries in the NetTrans Subkey = RK12_NIC_32_ 2 Microsoft NetBEUI Protocol = RK12_NIC_33_ 2 Using WinPopup to Broadcast a Pop-Up Message = RK12_NIC_34_ 2 Troubleshooting Protocol Problems = RK12_NIC_35_ 1 System Management 1 Introduction = rkp4_0_ 2 Introduction to System Management 2 Introduction = RK13_SYS_1_ 2 System Management with Windows 95 = RK13_SYS_2_ 2 Sources for Windows 95 System Management Tools = RK13_SYS_3_ 2 Security 2 Introduction = RK14_SEC_1_ 2 Windows 95 Security: The Basics = RK14_SEC_2_ 2 Windows 95 Security: The Issues = RK14_SEC_3_ 2 Windows 95 Network Security Overview = RK14_SEC_4_ 2 Setting Up Security for Shared Resources = RK14_SEC_5_ 2 Using Share-Level Security = RK14_SEC_6_ 3 Using User-Level Security 3 Introduction = RK14_SEC_8_ 3 Specifying Directory Access Rights in User-Level Security = RK14_SEC_9_ 3 Managing User Lists = RK14_SEC_10_ 3 Security for Windows 95 in NetWare Bindery Environments = RK14_SEC_11_ 2 Using the Windows 95 Password Cache = RK14_SEC_12_ 2 Using Password List Editor = RK14_SEC_13_ 2 Using the Windows 95 Logon Password = RK14_SEC_14_ 2 Using Windows 95 with NetWare Passwords = RK14_SEC_15_ 2 Using System Policies to Enforce Password Security = RK14_SEC_16_ 2 Guidelines for Setting Password Policy = RK14_SEC_17_ 2 User Profiles and System Policies 2 Introduction = RK15_POL_1_ 2 User Profiles and System Policies: The Basics = RK15_POL_2_ 2 User Profiles and System Policies: The Issues = RK15_POL_3_ 2 User Profiles Overview = RK15_POL_4_ 3 Enabling User Profiles 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_6_ 3 Setting Up User Profiles on a Windows NT Network = RK15_POL_7_ 3 Setting Up User Profiles on a NetWare Network = RK15_POL_8_ 3 Disabling Standard Roving Profiles = RK15_POL_9_ 3 Maintaining Roving User Profiles on Other Networks = RK15_POL_10_ 3 Defining Mandatory User Profiles = RK15_POL_11_ 3 System Policies Overview 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_13_ 3 Overview of System Policies for Users = RK15_POL_14_ 3 Overview of System Policies for Computers = RK15_POL_15_ 3 System Policy Editor 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_17_ 3 Installing System Policy Editor = RK15_POL_18_ 3 Using System Policy Editor = RK15_POL_19_ 3 Preparing to Use System Policies on the Network 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_21_ 3 Setting Up for Automatic Downloading of System Policies = RK15_POL_22_ 3 Setting Up for Manual Downloading of System Policies = RK15_POL_23_ 3 Creating System Policies 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_25_ 3 Creating Policies for Individual Users or Computers = RK15_POL_26_ 3 Creating Policies for Groups = RK15_POL_27_ 3 Managing Custom Folders for Use with System Policies = RK15_POL_28_ 3 System Policy Examples 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_30_ 3 Recommended Standard Desktop Configuration = RK15_POL_31_ 3 Recommended Maximum Control Desktop Configuration = RK15_POL_32_ 3 System Policy Settings Summary 3 Introduction = RK15_POL_34_ 4 Restricting Access to User-Specific Settings 4 Introduction = RK15_POL_36_ 4 Restricting Access to Control Panels = RK15_POL_37_ 4 Defining User Policies for Desktop Settings = RK15_POL_38_ 4 Restricting Access to Network Settings = RK15_POL_39_ 4 Restricting Access to Shell Settings = RK15_POL_40_ 4 Restricting Access to System Settings = RK15_POL_41_ 4 Restricting Access to Computer-Specific Settings 4 Introduction = RK15_POL_43_ 4 Restricting Access to Computer-Specific Network Settings = RK15_POL_44_ 4 Restricting Access to Computer-Specific System Settings = RK15_POL_45_ 2 System Policy Templates = RK15_POL_46_ 2 Troubleshooting with System Policy Editor = RK15_POL_47_ 2 Remote Administration 2 Introduction = RK16_REM_1_ 2 Remote Administration: The Basics = RK16_REM_2_ 2 Remote Administration: The Issues = RK16_REM_3_ 2 Setting Up for Remote Administration = RK16_REM_4_ 2 Accessing Remote Registries by Using System Policy Editor = RK16_REM_5_ 2 Accessing Remote Registries by Using Registry Editor = RK16_REM_6_ 2 Viewing a Remote Computer by Using System Monitor = RK16_REM_7_ 2 Using Net Watcher for Remote Administration = RK16_REM_8_ 2 Using Network Neighborhood for Remote Administration = RK16_REM_9_ 3 Using Network Backup Agents 3 Introduction = RK16_REM_11_ 3 Setting Up Network-Based Backup with the Arcada Agent = RK16_REM_12_ 3 Setting Up Network-Based Backup with the Cheyenne Agent = RK16_REM_13_ 3 Preparing for Microsoft Network Monitor 3 Introduction = RK16_REM_15_ 3 Installing the Network Monitor Agent and Driver = RK16_REM_16_ 3 Running Network Monitor Agent = RK16_REM_17_ 3 Configuring Network Monitor Driver = RK16_REM_18_ 2 Using Remote Administration Tools from Other Vendors = RK16_REM_19_ 2 Removing Remote Agents and Services = RK16_REM_20_ 2 Performance Tuning 2 Introduction = RK17_TUN_1_ 2 Windows 95 Performance Tuning: The Basics = RK17_TUN_2_ 2 Windows 95 Performance Tuning: The Issues = RK17_TUN_3_ 3 System Performance Overview 3 Introduction = RK17_TUN_5_ 3 System Resource Capacity in Windows 95 = RK17_TUN_6_ 3 Technical Notes on MS-DOS Components in Windows 95 = RK17_TUN_7_ 2 Optimizing the Swap File = RK17_TUN_8_ 3 Optimizing File System Performance 3 Introduction = RK17_TUN_10_ 3 Optimizing File System Performance with Profiles = RK17_TUN_11_ 3 Optimizing CD-ROM File System Performance = RK17_TUN_12_ 3 Using File-System Troubleshooting Options = RK17_TUN_13_ 2 Setting Graphics Compatibility Options = RK17_TUN_14_ 2 Optimizing Printing = RK17_TUN_15_ 2 Optimizing Network Performance = RK17_TUN_16_ 2 Optimizing Conventional Memory = RK17_TUN_17_ 3 Tracking Performance with System Monitor 3 Introduction = RK17_TUN_19_ 3 Configuring Performance Charts in System Monitor = RK17_TUN_20_ 3 Identifying Performance Problems with System Monitor = RK17_TUN_21_ 3 Summary of System Monitor Categories = RK17_TUN_22_ 1 System Configuration 1 Introduction = rkp5_0_ 2 Introduction to System Configuration 2 Introduction = RK18_CFG_1_ 2 System Configuration Overview = RK18_CFG_2_ 2 Improved Device Support in Windows 95 = RK18_CFG_3_ 2 Windows 95 Device Classes = RK18_CFG_4_ 2 Plug and Play Support in Windows 95 = RK18_CFG_5_ 3 Plug and Play Device Types 3 Introduction = RK18_CFG_7_ 3 ISA Devices = RK18_CFG_8_ 3 EISA Devices = RK18_CFG_9_ 3 SCSI Devices = RK18_CFG_10_ 3 PCMCIA Devices = RK18_CFG_11_ 3 VL and PCI Devices = RK18_CFG_12_ 3 Other Device Types = RK18_CFG_13_ 2 Devices 2 Introduction = RK19_DEV_1_ 2 Devices: The Basics = RK19_DEV_2_ 2 Devices: The Issues = RK19_DEV_3_ 2 Devices Overview = RK19_DEV_4_ 2 Installing New Devices = RK19_DEV_5_ 2 Changing Settings with Device Manager = RK19_DEV_6_ 2 Enabling PCMCIA Cards = RK19_DEV_7_ 2 Using Hardware Profiles for Alternate Configurations = RK19_DEV_8_ 3 Configuring the Display 3 Introduction = RK19_DEV_10_ 3 Display Driver Overview = RK19_DEV_11_ 3 Changing the Display Type and Driver = RK19_DEV_12_ 3 Configuring Display Resolution and Color Palette = RK19_DEV_13_ 3 Configuring Display Appearance = RK19_DEV_14_ 3 Configuring the Mouse 3 Introduction = RK19_DEV_16_ 3 Mouse and Pointing Device Driver Overview = RK19_DEV_17_ 3 Changing Mouse Drivers = RK19_DEV_18_ 3 Configuring Mouse Behavior = RK19_DEV_19_ 2 Configuring Communications Ports and Printer Ports = RK19_DEV_20_ 2 Real-Mode Drivers and the IOS.INI Safe Driver List = RK19_DEV_21_ 3 Troubleshooting Device Configuration 3 Introduction = RK19_DEV_23_ 3 Correcting Problems with Display = RK19_DEV_24_ 3 Correcting Problems with SCSI Devices = RK19_DEV_25_ 3 Correcting Problems with Other Devices = RK19_DEV_26_ 2 Disks and File Systems 2 Introduction = RK20_DSK_1_ 2 Disks and File Systems: The Basics = RK20_DSK_2_ 2 Disks and File Systems: The Issues = RK20_DSK_3_ 3 Partitioning Hard Disks 3 Introduction = RK20_DSK_5_ 4 Partitioning Drives 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_7_ 4 Deleting Partitions and Logical Drives = RK20_DSK_8_ 4 Creating a Primary MS-DOS Partition = RK20_DSK_9_ 3 Formatting a Hard Disk = RK20_DSK_10_ 3 Assigning Drive Letters for Removable Media = RK20_DSK_11_ 2 Disk Management Overview = RK20_DSK_12_ 2 Managing the Recycle Bin to Free Disk Space = RK20_DSK_13_ 2 Using Microsoft Backup = RK20_DSK_14_ 2 Defragmenting Disks = RK20_DSK_15_ 2 Using ScanDisk = RK20_DSK_16_ 3 Using Disk Compression with Windows 95 3 Introduction = RK20_DSK_18_ 3 Overview of Compressed Volume Files and Host Drives = RK20_DSK_19_ 4 Using DriveSpace for Disk Compression 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_21_ 4 Using DriveSpace with Floppy Disks = RK20_DSK_22_ 4 Changing Free Space and the Estimated Compression Ratio of a Compressed Drive = RK20_DSK_23_ 3 Microsoft Plus! Utilities for Disk Management 3 Introduction = RK20_DSK_25_ 4 DriveSpace 3 Compression: An Overview 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_27_ 4 DriveSpace and Disk Properties Enhancements = RK20_DSK_28_ 4 How Compression Works with DriveSpace 3 = RK20_DSK_29_ 4 Using Compression Agent = RK20_DSK_30_ 4 Guidelines for Fine-tuning Compression = RK20_DSK_31_ 4 Scheduling Programs with System Agent 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_33_ 4 How System Agent Works = RK20_DSK_34_ 4 Running Other Programs with System Agent: An Overview = RK20_DSK_35_ 2 File Systems Overview = RK20_DSK_36_ 3 Using Long Filenames 3 Introduction = RK20_DSK_38_ 3 Long Filename Support in Windows 95 = RK20_DSK_39_ 4 Long Filenames and Network Compatibility 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_41_ 4 Long Filenames with Windows 95 Protected-Mode Clients = RK20_DSK_42_ 4 LAN Manager with HPFS and HPFS/386 Volumes = RK20_DSK_43_ 4 Windows NT 3.1 with HPFS or NTFS Volumes = RK20_DSK_44_ 4 Administrative Considerations for Long Filenames 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_46_ 4 Using the LFNBK Utility for Temporary Compatibility = RK20_DSK_47_ 4 Creating Long Filenames at the MS-DOS Prompt = RK20_DSK_48_ 4 Technical Notes on Long Filenames = RK20_DSK_49_ 3 Technical Notes on Disk Device Support 3 Introduction = RK20_DSK_51_ 4 Supported Disk Devices 4 Introduction = RK20_DSK_53_ 4 IDE Drives and Controllers = RK20_DSK_54_ 4 SCSI Devices and Drivers = RK20_DSK_55_ 4 High-Speed Floppy Disk Driver = RK20_DSK_56_ 4 Removable Media and Docking Devices = RK20_DSK_57_ 4 Non-SCSI Port Drivers = RK20_DSK_58_ 3 VCACHE and CDFS Supplemental Cache = RK20_DSK_59_ 2 Troubleshooting File and Disk Problems = RK20_DSK_60_ 2 Multimedia 2 Introduction = RK21_MM_1_ 2 Multimedia: The Basics = RK21_MM_2_ 2 Multimedia: The Issues = RK21_MM_3_ 3 Multimedia Overview 3 Introduction = RK21_MM_5_ 3 Media Control Interface = RK21_MM_6_ 4 Multimedia Files 4 Introduction = RK21_MM_8_ 4 CD-ROM File System = RK21_MM_9_ 3 Display Control Interface = RK21_MM_10_ 3 Support for Multimedia Devices = RK21_MM_11_ 3 Recording, Editing, and Playing Audio 3 Introduction = RK21_MM_13_ 3 Windows 95 Support for MIDI = RK21_MM_14_ 3 Recording Sound = RK21_MM_15_ 3 Controlling Audio Input Levels = RK21_MM_16_ 2 Playing and Recording Digital Video = RK21_MM_17_ 3 Buying a Multimedia Computer 3 Introduction = RK21_MM_19_ 3 Troubleshooting Multimedia Software 3 Introduction = RK21_MM_21_ 3 Correcting Problems with Playing .WAV Files = RK21_MM_22_ 3 Correcting Problems in Playing MIDI Files = RK21_MM_23_ 3 Correcting Problems with Playing or Hearing an Audio CD = RK21_MM_24_ 3 Correcting Problems with Hearing from Headphones = RK21_MM_25_ 2 Application Support 2 Introduction = RK22_APP_1_ 2 Application Support: The Basics = RK22_APP_2_ 2 Application Support: The Issues = RK22_APP_3_ 3 Installing Applications 3 Introduction = RK22_APP_5_ 3 Installing and Sharing Applications Across the Network = RK22_APP_6_ 3 Creating an APPS.INI File = RK22_APP_7_ 2 Removing Applications = RK22_APP_8_ 3 Running Applications 3 Introduction = RK22_APP_10_ 3 Associating a File Type with an Application = RK22_APP_11_ 3 Configuring the Start and Programs menus = RK22_APP_12_ 3 Using the Windows 3.x Program Manager with Windows 95 = RK22_APP_13_ 3 Closing Failed Programs = RK22_APP_14_ 3 Configuring MS-DOS-Based Applications 3 Introduction = RK22_APP_16_ 3 Changing MS-DOS-Based Application Properties (PIF Files) = RK22_APP_17_ 3 Changing Memory Settings for MS-DOS-Based Applications = RK22_APP_18_ 3 Setting Properties for MS-DOS-Based Applications = RK22_APP_19_ 3 Setting Paths for MS-DOS-Based Applications = RK22_APP_20_ 3 Understanding the APPS.INF File = RK22_APP_21_ 2 Using OLE to Share Data Between Applications = RK22_APP_22_ 3 Technical Notes on Application Support 3 Introduction = RK22_APP_24_ 4 System Changes Affecting Application Support 4 Support for Win32-Based Applications = RK22_APP_26_ 4 Support for Win16-Based Applications = RK22_APP_27_ 4 Support for MS-DOS-Based Applications = RK22_APP_28_ 4 How Windows 95 Accommodates Application Problems 4 Introduction = RK22_APP_30_ 4 Running TSRs = RK22_APP_31_ 4 Fixing Version-Checking Errors = RK22_APP_32_ 4 Running Applications That Replace System DLLs = RK22_APP_33_ 2 Troubleshooting Applications = RK22_APP_34_ 2 Printing and Fonts 2 Introduction = RK23_PRT_1_ 2 Windows 95 Printing and Fonts: The Basics = RK23_PRT_2_ 2 Printing and Fonts: The Issues = RK23_PRT_3_ 2 Windows 95 Printing Support Overview = RK23_PRT_4_ 3 Installing a Printer 3 Introduction = RK23_PRT_6_ 3 Installing Plug and Play Printers = RK23_PRT_7_ 3 Installing Remote Printers with Point and Print = RK23_PRT_8_ 3 Printing Documents = RK23_PRT_9_ 2 Using Microsoft Print Services for NetWare = RK23_PRT_10_ 2 Using DEC PrintServer Software for Windows 95 = RK23_PRT_11_ 2 Using the Hewlett-Packard JetAdmin Utility = RK23_PRT_12_ 2 Using the Microsoft RPC Print Provider = RK23_PRT_13_ 3 Technical Notes on Windows 95 Printing 3 Enhanced Metafile Spooling Support = RK23_PRT_15_ 3 Bidirectional Communication Support = RK23_PRT_16_ 4 Printer Driver Support 4 Introduction = RK23_PRT_18_ 4 Universal Printer Driver = RK23_PRT_19_ 4 PostScript Mini-Driver = RK23_PRT_20_ 3 Extended Capabilities Port Support = RK23_PRT_21_ 3 Improved Printing Support for MS-DOS Based Applications = RK23_PRT_22_ 3 Deferred Printing Support = RK23_PRT_23_ 3 Image Color Matching Support = RK23_PRT_24_ 2 Windows 95 Fonts Overview = RK23_PRT_25_ 2 TrueType Fonts = RK23_PRT_26_ 2 Windows 95 Raster Fonts = RK23_PRT_27_ 2 Windows 95 Vector Fonts = RK23_PRT_28_ 2 Screen and Printer Fonts = RK23_PRT_29_ 2 Fonts Provided for Compatibility = RK23_PRT_30_ 2 Font Matching Table = RK23_PRT_31_ 2 How Fonts Are Matched in Windows 95 = RK23_PRT_32_ 2 Loading Fonts in Windows 95 = RK23_PRT_33_ 2 Installing Additional Fonts = RK23_PRT_34_ 3 Troubleshooting Printing Problems 3 Introduction = RK23_PRT_36_ 3 Correcting Problems with Printer Installation = RK23_PRT_37_ 3 Correcting Specific Printing Problems = RK23_PRT_38_ 2 Troubleshooting Font Errors = RK23_PRT_39_ 1 Communications 1 Introduction = rkp6_0_ 2 Introduction to Windows 95 Communications 2 Introduction = RK24_COM_1_ 2 Overview of Communications in Windows 95 = RK24_COM_2_ 2 Improved Communications in Windows 95 = RK24_COM_3_ 2 Communications Architecture = RK24_COM_4_ 2 Modems and Communications Tools 2 Introduction = RK25_MOD_1_ 2 Modems and Communications Tools: The Basics = RK25_MOD_2_ 2 Modems and Communications Tools: The Issues = RK25_MOD_3_ 3 Setting Up a Modem 3 Introduction = RK25_MOD_5_ 3 Defining Your Location = RK25_MOD_6_ 3 Setting Modem Properties = RK25_MOD_7_ 3 Dialing Manually = RK25_MOD_8_ 3 Displaying the Terminal Window = RK25_MOD_9_ 3 Modem Registry Keys 3 Introduction = RK25_MOD_11_ 3 Init Key = RK25_MOD_12_ 3 Responses Key = RK25_MOD_13_ 3 Settings Key = RK25_MOD_14_ 3 Using HyperTerminal 3 Introduction = RK25_MOD_16_ 3 File Transfer Protocols = RK25_MOD_17_ 3 Terminal Emulation Types = RK25_MOD_18_ 2 Using Phone Dialer = RK25_MOD_19_ 3 Using Dialing Properties 3 Introduction = RK25_MOD_21_ 3 Defining Calling Locations = RK25_MOD_22_ 3 Defining Calling Card Rules = RK25_MOD_23_ 2 Using Microsoft File Transfer = RK25_MOD_24_ 2 Telephony Drivers from Other Vendors = RK25_MOD_25_ 3 Troubleshooting Communications Problems 3 Introduction = RK25_MOD_27_ 3 Correcting Problems with Modem Installation = RK25_MOD_28_ 3 Correcting Connection Problems = RK25_MOD_29_ 3 Correcting Modem Access Problems with Applications = RK25_MOD_30_ 2 Electronic Mail and Microsoft Exchange 2 Introduction = RK26_MSG_1_ 2 Microsoft Exchange: The Basics = RK26_MSG_2_ 2 Microsoft Exchange: The Issues = RK26_MSG_3_ 2 Overview of Microsoft Exchange and Windows 95 Messaging = RK26_MSG_4_ 3 Setting Up the Microsoft Exchange Client 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_6_ 3 Using the Microsoft Exchange Client 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_8_ 3 Using the Personal Address Book = RK26_MSG_9_ 3 Configuring Addresses and Delivery Options = RK26_MSG_10_ 3 Personal Folder Files = RK26_MSG_11_ 3 Sorting and Viewing Messages = RK26_MSG_12_ 3 Using Message Finders = RK26_MSG_13_ 2 Working with Documents = RK26_MSG_14_ 2 Using Multiple Microsoft Exchange Profiles = RK26_MSG_15_ 3 Using the Microsoft Exchange Client with Microsoft Mail 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_17_ 3 Upgrading from Windows For Workgroups = RK26_MSG_18_ 3 Setting Up a Microsoft Mail Workgroup Postoffice = RK26_MSG_19_ 3 Postoffice Directory Structure = RK26_MSG_20_ 3 Setting Up Microsoft Mail on Other Network Servers = RK26_MSG_21_ 3 Accessing a Microsoft Mail Workgroup Postoffice Remotely 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_23_ 3 Configuring Microsoft Mail for Remote Access = RK26_MSG_24_ 3 Defining Scheduled Sessions = RK26_MSG_25_ 3 Selecting Messages to Download = RK26_MSG_26_ 3 Technical Notes on the Microsoft Exchange Client and MAPI 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_28_ 2 Upgrading to Microsoft Mail Server = RK26_MSG_29_ 2 Upgrading to Microsoft Exchange Server = RK26_MSG_30_ 3 Microsoft Mail Gateways 3 Introduction = RK26_MSG_32_ 3 Microsoft Gateway to Fax = RK26_MSG_33_ 3 Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS = RK26_MSG_34_ 3 Microsoft Mail Gateway to X.400 = RK26_MSG_35_ 3 Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP = RK26_MSG_36_ 3 Microsoft Mail IBM PROFS and OfficeVision Gateway = RK26_MSG_37_ 2 Microsoft Fax 2 Introduction = RK27_FAX_1_ 2 Microsoft Fax: The Basics = RK27_FAX_2_ 2 Microsoft Fax: The Issues = RK27_FAX_3_ 2 Overview of Microsoft Fax = RK27_FAX_4_ 2 Setting Up Microsoft Fax for the User = RK27_FAX_5_ 2 Sending Faxes = RK27_FAX_6_ 2 Retrieving Faxes = RK27_FAX_7_ 2 Network Fax Service = RK27_FAX_8_ 3 Security for Microsoft Fax 3 Introduction = RK27_FAX_10_ 3 Establishing Security and Exchanging Keys = RK27_FAX_11_ 3 Sending Secured Faxes = RK27_FAX_12_ 3 Technical Notes for Microsoft Fax 3 Introduction = RK27_FAX_14_ 2 Dial-Up Networking and Mobile Computing 2 Introduction = RK28_RNA_1_ 2 Dial-Up Networking and Mobile Computing: The Basics = RK28_RNA_2_ 2 Dial-Up Networking and Mobile Computing: The Issues = RK28_RNA_3_ 3 Overview of Dial-Up Networking 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_5_ 3 Dial-Up Clients and Servers = RK28_RNA_6_ 3 Connection Protocols = RK28_RNA_7_ 3 Local Area Network Protocols = RK28_RNA_8_ 2 Installing Dial-Up Networking = RK28_RNA_9_ 3 Configuring Dial-Up Networking Clients and Servers 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_11_ 3 Installing Protocols = RK28_RNA_12_ 3 Defining a Dial-Up Networking Connection = RK28_RNA_13_ 3 Configuring a Windows 95 Dial-Up Client = RK28_RNA_14_ 3 Making a Dial-Up Networking Connection = RK28_RNA_15_ 3 Configuring a Windows 95 Dial-Up Server = RK28_RNA_16_ 3 Disabling Dial-Up Server Support = RK28_RNA_17_ 4 Using Security with Dial-Up Networking 4 Introduction = RK28_RNA_19_ 3 Using Software and Hardware Compression to Transfer Data = RK28_RNA_20_ 3 Connecting to a Windows NT Remote Access Server = RK28_RNA_21_ 3 Configuring a Windows NT Server for Windows 95 Dial-Up Clients = RK28_RNA_22_ 2 Connecting to a Novell NetWare Connect Server = RK28_RNA_23_ 3 Connecting to Shiva Remote Access Servers 3 Configuring a Shiva Server for Windows 95 Dial-Up Clients = RK28_RNA_26_ 3 Assigning TCP/IP Address to Dial-Up Clients With Shiva Remote Access = RK28_RNA_27_ 3 Security Options with Shiva Remote Access Servers = RK28_RNA_28_ 3 Technical Notes On Dial-Up Networking 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_30_ 3 PPP Dial-Up Sequence = RK28_RNA_31_ 3 PPP Log File = RK28_RNA_32_ 3 Overview of Windows 95 Mobile Computing Features 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_34_ 3 Direct Cable Connection 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_36_ 3 Installing and Configuring Direct Cable Connection = RK28_RNA_37_ 3 Cables Compatible with Direct Cable Connection = RK28_RNA_38_ 3 Using Briefcase for File Synchronization 3 Introduction = RK28_RNA_40_ 3 Creating and Configuring a Briefcase = RK28_RNA_41_ 3 Updating Files with Briefcase = RK28_RNA_42_ 2 Troubleshooting Dial-Up Networking = RK28_RNA_43_ 2 The Microsoft Network 2 Introduction = RK29_MSN_1_ 2 The Microsoft Network: The Basics = RK29_MSN_2_ 2 The Microsoft Network: The Issues = RK29_MSN_3_ 2 Becoming a Member of The Microsoft Network = RK29_MSN_4_ 2 Security for The Microsoft Network = RK29_MSN_5_ 3 Navigating The Microsoft Network 3 Introduction = RK29_MSN_7_ 3 MSN Central = RK29_MSN_8_ 4 Windows Explorer and The Microsoft Network 4 Introduction = RK29_MSN_10_ 4 Shortcuts = RK29_MSN_11_ 4 Favorite Places = RK29_MSN_12_ 3 Go Commands = RK29_MSN_13_ 3 Using Bulletin Boards 3 Introduction = RK29_MSN_15_ 3 Bulletin Board File Libraries = RK29_MSN_17_ 3 Chat Rooms = RK29_MSN_18_ 2 Using Microsoft Exchange with The Microsoft Network = RK29_MSN_19_ 2 Billing = RK29_MSN_20_ 2 Becoming an Independent Content Provider (ICP) = RK29_MSN_21_ 2 Internet Access 2 Introduction = RK30_IP_1_ 2 Internet Access: The Basics = RK30_IP_2_ 3 Connecting to the Internet 3 Installing and Configuring a Modem = RK30_IP_4_ 3 Obtaining an Internet Account = RK30_IP_5_ 3 Internet Access Providers Successfully Tested with Windows 95 = RK30_IP_6_ 3 Installing TCP/IP = RK30_IP_7_ 3 Setting the Domain Name System Server and IP Addresses = RK30_IP_8_ 4 Making a Dial-Up Networking Connection 4 Introduction = RK30_IP_10_ 4 Connecting to a PPP Server = RK30_IP_11_ 4 Connecting to a SLIP Server = RK30_IP_12_ 4 Technical Notes for IP address on TCP/IP Networks 4 Network ID and Host ID = RK30_IP_14_ 4 Subnet Masks = RK30_IP_15_ 3 Navigating the Internet 3 Introduction = RK30_IP_17_ 3 Using Microsoft TCP/IP Utilities = RK30_IP_18_ 3 Using FTP to Browse and Download Files = RK30_IP_20_ 3 Downloading Files with FTP = RK30_IP_21_ 3 Using Windows 95 Telnet = RK30_IP_22_ 4 Browsing the Internet with Public Domain Tools 4 Introduction = RK30_IP_23_ 4 Using Mosaic = RK30_IP_25_ 4 Using Gopher = RK30_IP_26_ 4 Using Archie = RK30_IP_27_ 4 Using Wide-Area Information Server (WAIS) = RK30_IP_28_ 2 Troubleshooting Internet Connections = RK30_IP_29_ 1 Windows 95 Reference 1 Introduction = rkp7_0_ 2 Windows 95 Architecture 2 Introduction = RK31_ARC_1_ 2 Windows 95 Architecture Components = RK31_ARC_2_ 3 Windows 95 Registry 3 Introduction = RK31_ARC_4_ 2 Device Drivers = RK31_ARC_5_ 2 Configuration Manager = RK31_ARC_6_ 3 Virtual Machine Manager 3 Introduction = RK31_ARC_8_ 3 Process Scheduling and Multitasking = RK31_ARC_9_ 3 Memory Paging = RK31_ARC_10_ 3 Support for MS-DOS Mode = RK31_ARC_11_ 3 Installable File Systems 3 Introduction = RK31_ARC_13_ 3 Installable File System Manager = RK31_ARC_14_ 4 File System Drivers 4 Introduction = RK31_ARC_16_ 4 VFAT File System = RK31_ARC_17_ 4 CD-ROM File System = RK31_ARC_18_ 4 Block I/O Subsystem 4 Introduction = RK31_ARC_20_ 4 I/O Supervisor and Driver Loading = RK31_ARC_21_ 3 Core System Components 3 Introduction = RK31_ARC_23_ 3 User = RK31_ARC_24_ 4 Kernel 4 Introduction = RK31_ARC_26_ 4 Virtual Memory Management = RK31_ARC_27_ 4 Windows 95 Swap File = RK31_ARC_28_ 4 Graphical Device Interface 4 Introduction = RK31_ARC_30_ 4 Graphics Subsystem = RK31_ARC_31_ 4 Printing Subsystem = RK31_ARC_32_ 2 User Interface = RK31_ARC_33_ 2 Application Support = RK31_ARC_34_ 2 Windows 95 Network Architecture 2 Introduction = RK32_NAR_1_ 3 Windows 95 Network Architecture Overview 3 Introduction = RK32_NAR_3_ 3 OSI Reference Model and Windows 95 Architecture = RK32_NAR_4_ 3 Redirectors and IFS Manager = RK32_NAR_5_ 3 Multiple Network Support 3 Introduction = RK32_NAR_7_ 3 Win32 WinNet Interface for Applications = RK32_NAR_8_ 3 Multiple Provider Router and Service Provider Interface = RK32_NAR_9_ 4 Network Providers 4 Introduction = RK32_NAR_11_ 4 Network Provider for NetWare Networks = RK32_NAR_12_ 4 Network Provider for Microsoft Networks = RK32_NAR_13_ 3 WinNet16 Interface = RK32_NAR_14_ 3 Multiple Network Example = RK32_NAR_15_ 3 NDIS Overview 3 Introduction = RK32_NAR_17_ 3 Support for NDIS 2 Protocols = RK32_NAR_18_ 3 Support for NDIS Network Adapters = RK32_NAR_19_ 3 Architecture for Network Protocols 3 Introduction = RK32_NAR_21_ 3 Architecture for IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol = RK32_NAR_22_ 3 Architecture for NetBEUI Protocol = RK32_NAR_23_ 3 Architecture for Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol = RK32_NAR_24_ 3 Architecture for Clients, Peer Servers, and IPC 3 Introduction = RK32_NAR_26_ 3 Client for Microsoft Networks Architecture = RK32_NAR_27_ 3 Client for NetWare Networks Architecture = RK32_NAR_28_ 3 Architecture for Peer Resource Sharing = RK32_NAR_29_ 4 IPC and Windows 95 4 Introduction = RK32_NAR_31_ 4 Windows Sockets = RK32_NAR_32_ 4 RPC = RK32_NAR_33_ 4 NetBIOS = RK32_NAR_34_ 4 Client-Side Named Pipes = RK32_NAR_35_ 4 Mailslots = RK32_NAR_36_ 2 Windows 95 Registry 2 Introduction = RK33_REG_1_ 2 Windows 95 Registry Overview = RK33_REG_2_ 2 Getting Started with Registry Editor = RK33_REG_3_ 2 How Windows 95 Components Use the Registry = RK33_REG_4_ 3 Registry Structure 3 Introduction = RK33_REG_6_ 3 Registry Hierarchy = RK33_REG_7_ 3 Value Entries in the Registry Keys = RK33_REG_8_ 3 Registry Files = RK33_REG_9_ 3 Recovering Registry Data = RK33_REG_10_ 3 Saving and Restoring the Registry = RK33_REG_11_ 3 Hkey_Local_Machine 3 Introduction = RK33_REG_13_ 3 Config Subtree in Hkey_Local_Machine = RK33_REG_14_ 3 Enum Subtree in Hkey_Local_Machine = RK33_REG_15_ 4 Software Subtree in Hkey_Local_Machine 4 Introduction = RK33_REG_17_ 4 Classes Subkey = RK33_REG_18_ 4 Description Subkeys = RK33_REG_19_ 4 System Subtree in Hkey_Local_Machine 4 Introduction = RK33_REG_21_ 4 Control Subkey = RK33_REG_22_ 4 Services Subkey for CurrentControlSet = RK33_REG_23_ 2 Hkey_Current_User and Hkey_Users = RK33_REG_24_ 2 Hkey_Current_Config and Hkey_Dyn_Data = RK33_REG_25_ 3 Initialization Files and the Registry 3 Introduction = RK33_REG_27_ 3 WIN.INI Settings in the Registry = RK33_REG_28_ 3 SYSTEM.INI Settings in the Registry = RK33_REG_29_ 2 International Windows 95 2 Introduction = RK34_INT_1_ 2 Overview of Windows 95 Local Editions = RK34_INT_2_ 2 Overview of International Language Support = RK34_INT_3_ 3 Specifying International Settings 3 Introduction = RK34_INT_5_ 3 Changing Regional Settings in Windows 95 = RK34_INT_6_ 3 Defining International Settings in Custom Setup Scripts = RK34_INT_7_ 3 Changing the Code Page = RK34_INT_8_ 3 Using Multiple Languages in Windows 95 3 Introduction = RK34_INT_10_ 3 Using Multilingual Fonts with Win32-Based Applications = RK34_INT_11_ 3 Using Alternate Keyboards = RK34_INT_12_ 3 Using Windows 95 Support for Local Conventions = RK34_INT_13_ 2 General Troubleshooting 2 Introduction = RK35_TRS_1_ 3 Troubleshooting Strategy 3 Introduction = RK35_TRS_3_ 3 Analyzing Symptoms = RK35_TRS_4_ 3 Checking for Common Issues = RK35_TRS_5_ 3 Isolating and Testing the Error Condition = RK35_TRS_6_ 3 Checking Technical Support Resources = RK35_TRS_7_ 3 Windows 95 Troubleshooting Aids for Startup 3 Introduction = RK35_TRS_9_ 3 Using Safe Recovery with Windows 95 Setup = RK35_TRS_10_ 3 Verifying Installed Components with Windows 95 Setup = RK35_TRS_11_ 3 Using a Startup Disk = RK35_TRS_12_ 4 Using Windows 95 Startup Menu Options 4 Introduction = RK35_TRS_14_ 4 Safe Mode = RK35_TRS_15_ 4 Safe Mode Command Prompt Only = RK35_TRS_16_ 4 Safe Mode Without Compression = RK35_TRS_17_ 4 Safe Mode with Network Support = RK35_TRS_18_ 4 Step-By-Step Confirmation = RK35_TRS_19_ 3 Using WIN.COM Switches = RK35_TRS_20_ 3 Troubleshooting Procedures 3 Introduction = RK35_TRS_22_ 3 Checking Specific Driver Problems = RK35_TRS_23_ 3 Checking for Correct File Versions = RK35_TRS_24_ 3 Checking for Missing System Files = RK35_TRS_25_ 3 Removing Unnecessary Drivers = RK35_TRS_26_ 3 Checking Whether a Required Driver Is Missing = RK35_TRS_27_ 3 Checking Entries in Startup Files = RK35_TRS_28_ 3 Checking for Conflicts at System Startup = RK35_TRS_29_ 3 Checking Device Configuration = RK35_TRS_30_ 3 Checking for Free Disk Space = RK35_TRS_31_ 3 Isolating File System Errors = RK35_TRS_32_ 3 Checking for Disk Corruption = RK35_TRS_33_ 1 Appendixes 1 Introduction = rkp8_0_ 2 Command-Line Commands Summary 2 Introduction = RKA_DOS_1_ 2 Command Syntax = RKA_DOS_2_ 3 Using the Command Prompt 3 Introduction = RKA_DOS_4_ 3 Editing Commands with Doskey and Editing Keys = RKA_DOS_5_ 3 Pausing or Canceling a Command = RKA_DOS_6_ 4 Transferring Information to or from a Command-Prompt Window 4 Introduction = RKA_DOS_8_ 4 Copying and Pasting Information Using Edit Buttons = RKA_DOS_9_ 4 Copying and Pasting Information Using QuickEdit Mode = RKA_DOS_10_ 3 Native Windows 95 Commands 3 Introduction = RKA_DOS_12_ 3 Network Commands = RKA_DOS_13_ 3 Commands Used in CONFIG.SYS Files = RKA_DOS_14_ 3 Commands Used in Batch Programs = RKA_DOS_15_ 3 Commands Used to Change International Settings = RKA_DOS_16_ 3 Commands Not Included in Windows 95 = RKA_DOS_17_ 3 Command-Line Switches for Specific Commands 3 Introduction = RKA_DOS_19_ 4 EMM386 Command-Line Switches 4 Introduction = RKA_DOS_21_ 4 EMM386 = RKA_DOS_22_ 4 EMM386.EXE = RKA_DOS_23_ 3 Windows Explorer Command-Line Switches = RKA_DOS_24_ 3 Xcopy Command-Line Switches = RKA_DOS_25_ 3 Command-Line Switches for Disk Utilities 3 Introduction = RKA_DOS_27_ 3 Defrag = RKA_DOS_28_ 4 DrvSpace 4 Introduction = RKA_DOS_30_ 4 Drvspace /Compress = RKA_DOS_31_ 4 Drvspace /Create = RKA_DOS_32_ 4 Drvspace /Delete = RKA_DOS_33_ 4 Drvspace /Format = RKA_DOS_34_ 4 Drvspace /Info = RKA_DOS_35_ 4 Drvspace /Mount = RKA_DOS_36_ 4 Drvspace /Ratio = RKA_DOS_37_ 4 Drvspace /Size = RKA_DOS_38_ 4 Drvspace /Uncompress = RKA_DOS_39_ 4 Drvspace /Unmount = RKA_DOS_40_ 3 ScanDisk = RKA_DOS_41_ 3 TCP/IP Utilities 3 Introduction = RKA_DOS_43_ 3 Arp = RKA_DOS_44_ 3 Ftp = RKA_DOS_45_ 3 Nbtstat = RKA_DOS_46_ 3 Netstat = RKA_DOS_47_ 3 Ping = RKA_DOS_48_ 3 Route = RKA_DOS_49_ 3 Telnet = RKA_DOS_50_ 3 Tracert = RKA_DOS_51_ 2 Windows 95 System Files 2 Introduction = RKB_FILE_1_ 2 Windows 95 Distribution Disk Storage Overview = RKB_FILE_2_ 2 Using the Extract Program to Extract Files = RKB_FILE_3_ 2 Setup Files Overview = RKB_FILE_4_ 3 Directory File Structure and File Locations 3 Introduction = RKB_FILE_6_ 3 Location of Key System Files = RKB_FILE_7_ 3 Location of System Files on Compressed Disks = RKB_FILE_8_ 2 Windows 95 INF Files 2 Introduction = RKC_INF_1_ 2 Windows 95 Device Information Files Overview = RKC_INF_2_ 2 General INF File Format = RKC_INF_3_ 2 [Version] Section = RKC_INF_4_ 2 [Manufacturer] Section = RKC_INF_5_ 2 [Manufacturer Name] Section = RKC_INF_6_ 3 [Install] Section 3 Introduction = RKC_INF_8_ 3 [Logical Configuration] Sections = RKC_INF_9_ 3 [Update AutoExec] Section = RKC_INF_10_ 3 [Update Config] Section = RKC_INF_11_ 3 [Update INI] Section = RKC_INF_12_ 3 [Update IniFields] Section = RKC_INF_13_ 3 [Add Registry] Section = RKC_INF_14_ 3 [Delete Registry] Section = RKC_INF_15_ 3 [Ini to Registry] Section = RKC_INF_16_ 3 [DestinationDirs] Section = RKC_INF_17_ 3 [File-List] Section = RKC_INF_18_ 3 [SourceDisksFiles] Section = RKC_INF_19_ 3 [SourceDisksNames] Section = RKC_INF_20_ 2 [ClassInstall] Section = RKC_INF_21_ 2 [Strings] Section = RKC_INF_22_ 2 Sample INF File = RKC_INF_23_ 2 MSBATCH.INF Parameters 2 Introduction = RKD_BAT_1_ 3 Setup Script Parameters 3 Introduction = RKD_BAT_3_ 3 [Setup] = RKD_BAT_4_ 3 [System] = RKD_BAT_5_ 3 [NameAndOrg] = RKD_BAT_6_ 3 [InstallLocationsMRU] = RKD_BAT_7_ 3 [OptionalComponents] = RKD_BAT_8_ 4 [Network] 4 Introduction = RKD_BAT_10_ 4 Installation Parameters in [Network] = RKD_BAT_11_ 4 Computer Identification Parameters in [Network] = RKD_BAT_12_ 4 Shared Installation Parameters in [Network] = RKD_BAT_13_ 4 Security Parameters in [Network] = RKD_BAT_14_ 4 User Interface Options for [Network] Parameters = RKD_BAT_15_ 3 [netcard_ID] = RKD_BAT_16_ 3 [MSTCP] = RKD_BAT_17_ 3 [NWLink] = RKD_BAT_18_ 3 [NWRedir] = RKD_BAT_19_ 3 [NWServer] = RKD_BAT_20_ 3 [VRedir] = RKD_BAT_21_ 3 [VServer] = RKD_BAT_22_ 3 [Printers] = RKD_BAT_23_ 3 [Strings] = RKD_BAT_24_ 4 [Install] 4 Introduction = RKD_BAT_26_ 4 [Install] Example: Copying Custom Files = RKD_BAT_27_ 4 [Install] Example: Enabling User Profiles and Remote Administration = RKD_BAT_28_ 4 [Install] Example: Replacing Configuration Entries = RKD_BAT_29_ 2 MSBATCH.INF Sample File = RKD_BAT_30_ 2 Windows 95 Network Adapter INF Summary = RKD_BAT_31_ 2 Microsoft Systems Management Server 2 Introduction = RKE_SMS_1_ 2 Microsoft Systems Management Server Overview = RKE_SMS_2_ 3 Systems Management Server Requirements 3 Introduction = RKE_SMS_4_ 3 How Systems Management Server Reduces Migration Costs = RKE_SMS_5_ 3 The Systems Management Server Solution = RKE_SMS_6_ 3 Systems Management Server Components = RKE_SMS_7_ 3 Systems Management Server Services 3 Introduction = RKE_SMS_9_ 4 Hardware and Software Inventory 4 Introduction = RKE_SMS_11_ 4 How Inventory Is Processed = RKE_SMS_12_ 4 Creating an Inventory Package = RKE_SMS_13_ 4 Software Distribution and Installation 4 Introduction = RKE_SMS_15_ 4 Querying the SQL Server Database = RKE_SMS_16_ 4 Creating Packages = RKE_SMS_17_ 4 Creating Jobs = RKE_SMS_18_ 4 Distributing the Software = RKE_SMS_19_ 3 Managing Shared Applications = RKE_SMS_20_ 4 Remote Control and Troubleshooting 4 Introduction = RKE_SMS_22_ 4 Help Desk = RKE_SMS_23_ 4 Diagnostics = RKE_SMS_24_ 3 Network Protocol Analysis = RKE_SMS_25_ 2 Using Systems Management Server to Deploy Windows 95 = RKE_SMS_26_ 2 Windows 95 Deployment Procedures = RKE_SMS_27_ 2 Macintosh and Windows 95 2 Introduction = RKF_MAC_1_ 2 Windows NT Services for Macintosh = RKF_MAC_2_ 2 Exchanging Mail Between Windows 95 and Macintosh = RKF_MAC_3_ 2 Switching from Macintosh to Windows 95 = RKF_MAC_4_ 2 HOSTS and LMHOSTS Files for Windows 95 2 Introduction = RKG_HOST_1_ 2 Setting Up HOSTS Files = RKG_HOST_2_ 2 Setting Up LMHOSTS Files = RKG_HOST_3_ 2 Shortcuts for Windows 95 2 Introduction = RKH_CUT_1_ 2 Shortcuts for Objects, Folders, and Windows Explorer = RKH_CUT_2_ 2 General Keyboard-Only Commands = RKH_CUT_3_ 2 Accessibility Shortcuts = RKH_CUT_4_ 2 Microsoft Natural Keyboard Keys = RKH_CUT_5_ 2 Accessibility 2 Introduction = RKI_ACC_1_ 2 Accessibility in Windows 95: Overview = RKI_ACC_2_ 3 Windows 95 Accessibility Features 3 Introduction = RKI_ACC_4_ 4 General Accessibility Enhancement Features 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_6_ 4 Online Help = RKI_ACC_7_ 4 Control Panel Support for Accessibility Features = RKI_ACC_8_ 4 Emergency Hot Keys = RKI_ACC_9_ 4 Accessibility Time-out = RKI_ACC_10_ 4 Accessibility Status Indicator = RKI_ACC_11_ 4 Features for Users with Low Vision 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_13_ 4 Scalable User Interface Elements = RKI_ACC_14_ 4 Customizable Display for Mouse Pointer = RKI_ACC_15_ 4 High-Contrast Color Schemes = RKI_ACC_16_ 4 High-Contrast Mode = RKI_ACC_17_ 4 Features for Making Keyboard and Mouse Input Easier 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_19_ 4 StickyKeys = RKI_ACC_20_ 4 FilterKeys = RKI_ACC_21_ 4 MouseKeys = RKI_ACC_22_ 4 ToggleKeys = RKI_ACC_23_ 4 Features for Users Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_25_ 4 ShowSounds = RKI_ACC_26_ 4 SoundSentry = RKI_ACC_27_ 4 WinChat = RKI_ACC_28_ 4 Features Supporting Alternative Input Devices 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_30_ 4 SerialKeys = RKI_ACC_31_ 4 Support for Multiple Pointing Devices = RKI_ACC_32_ 4 Features for Software Developers 4 Introduction = RKI_ACC_34_ 4 Accessibility Guidelines for Software Developers = RKI_ACC_35_ 4 Methods for Simulating Input = RKI_ACC_36_ 4 New Common Controls = RKI_ACC_37_ 3 Using Accessibility Features in Windows 95 = RKI_ACC_38_ 2 Microsoft Services for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing = RKI_ACC_39_ 2 Keyboard Layouts for Single-Handed Users = RKI_ACC_40_ 2 Microsoft Documentation on Audio Cassettes and Floppy Disks = RKI_ACC_41_ 2 Accessibility-Enhancing Utilities from Other Vendors = RKI_ACC_42_ 2 Getting More Information on Accessibility = RKI_ACC_43_ 2 Windows 95 Resource Directory 2 Introduction = RKJ_DIR_1_ 2 Online Information About Windows 95 = RKJ_DIR_2_ 2 Getting Answers to Your Technical Questions = RKJ_DIR_3_ 2 Hardware Compatibility Information = RKJ_DIR_4_ 2 Windows 95 SDK Information = RKJ_DIR_5_ 2 Microsoft TechNet = RKJ_DIR_6_ 2 Microsoft Developer Network = RKJ_DIR_7_ 2 Microsoft Solution Providers = RKJ_DIR_8_ 2 Microsoft Technical Education = RKJ_DIR_9_ 2 Microsoft Consulting Services = RKJ_DIR_10_ 2 Microsoft Knowledge Base = RKJ_DIR_11_ 2 Microsoft Software Library = RKJ_DIR_12_ 2 Microsoft Download Service = RKJ_DIR_13_ 2 Microsoft CompuServe Forums = RKJ_DIR_14_ 2 Obtaining Drivers Electronically = RKJ_DIR_15_ 2 Resources for ICM = RKJ_DIR_16_